
You know what you need.

I get it. You want to work on yourself, but you’re so busy – there never seems to be enough time in your crazy schedule.

You’re struggling to get through everything on your to-do list as it is – not to mention driving to an appointment or getting the time off work.

You know what you really want.

What you really want is to see your therapist when it’s most convenient for you.

Perhaps that’s before you leave for work in the morning, on your lunch break, or relaxing at your own home in the evening. Time is precious.

Who wants to spend it all commuting???

Now, you can have it.

Teletherapy offers a great alternative. There’s no need to rush to an appointment because your therapy services are available wherever you are!

And even if you don’t live in the Vail Valley, we can still work together – as long as you live in Colorado.

When you use teletherapy, you can find the therapist you know will be the best fit – will help you the most. You no longer have to limit yourself only to the town where you live.

And it’s just as effective.

Research has proven it – teletherapy gets results. It’s just as effective as in-person therapy.

All you need is a reliable Internet connection, a private space, and your computer, tablet, or cell phone. And voilà! We can have our session wherever you are – whether that’s your favorite spot in your home, your office, a hotel while you’re traveling, or even your car!

Some people even prefer online sessions for the sheer convenience of accessing therapy anywhere and the comfort of the environment you choose.

But only if you try it…

I get it – you might feel hesitant about it at first. I certainly did.

But during my years of traveling, I couldn’t consistently access my therapist. It was a tremendous relief that we could still work together – even if we weren’t in the same city.

And honestly, it wasn’t that much different from when we met in their office – except I’m never rushing out the door kicking myself for not leaving earlier because now I’m going to be late!

It may be exactly what you are looking for!

You may even kick yourself for not trying it sooner because you actually prefer it! Schedule a free 20-minute consult with me to learn how less than an hour a week can transform your life and optimize your world.

Teletherapy has all the benefits of therapy and the convenience and flexibility to make it workable.

So, you can spend less time figuring out your schedule and more time figuring out your life.

Reach out today: (970) 331-0739.