
As good as it gets?

One minute, everything seems fine; the next minute, you feel completely out of control.

What happened? How did you get here? Sometimes, you wonder whether you’ll ever feel happy again.

But deep down, you don’t really believe that.

No! You know life can be better than this!

And you dream about it.

You often find yourself imagining what it would be like to truly look forward to your day –

Free to make choices that lead to positive results.

Empowered in the knowledge that you have the strength and courage to succeed.

Therapy can help with that!

In therapy, I’ll create a safe space where we can explore the thoughts and feelings you’ve been trying to address on your own.

Where you can focus on yourself and thoroughly explore what’s stopping you from living your best life.

It’s time to take back control of your life – once and for all.

And it’s all about YOU!

There’s no cookie-cutter approach here.

Your journey is unique to you.

Together, we’ll figure out what’s best to help you get to where you want to be.

Building a connection is key!

Having someone you trust – who offers validation and support – is crucial for the therapy process.

We’ll work to develop a bond that empowers you to believe in your ability to change.

And you don’t have to make the journey alone.

Viewing Life through a Different Lens

Through our work together, your perspective will shift.

You’ll realize that life isn’t amazing all the time – it’s not supposed to be.

Sometimes, life is hard, but you’ll know how to get through it.

Our work together will give you the confidence you need to persevere.

About Me

I can help you get where you want to go.

I can help – because I, too, have been there.

I understand what it feels like to know that life can be better than it is.

To realize my habits prevented me from the life I dreamed of having.

My Mission

People often ask me, “Why did you want to be a therapist?”

For me, it’s building these connections with my clients and helping people overcome some of the most challenging experiences of their lives.

Not only do I have the personal experience, but I also have extensive training in treating substance use, eating disorders, and mental health concerns.

When we’re not working together…

Outside work, I live in the Vail Valley with my husband and our wonderful dog.

I spend my free time hiking, snowboarding, whitewater kayaking, cross country skiing, and mountain biking.

We love to travel to both new and familiar places to explore and play outside.