Anxiety and Stress

It shouldn’t be this way.

Unmanageable. Overwhelming. Relentless. Every day is a battle to control your thoughts.

You’ll never, ever possibly get through your daily to-do list. Your cup runneth over – in a bad way.

You don’t want your feelings to rub off on others, but your stress has begun to impact every member of your family and friends.

Your ally has become your adversary.

A little anxiety can be your pal – it looks after you and can even give you a heads up when danger lurks around the corner.

While a little bit is a normal and healthy part of everyday life, it becomes an issue when it impacts your ability to function normally.

You think about all the worst-case scenarios and can’t seem to get them out of your head. The “What ifs” circle your mental landing strip all day long.

Though you try to find solutions, you end up ultimately exhausted and feel defeated, caught in the endless anxious thought cycle.

And it’s not just in your mind – you feel it in your body, too.

Your breathing shallows, your heart races, your chest tightens, your muscles tense.

And you just can’t seem to get the words out.

It makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint – the human mind assesses threats. When you feel threatened, your body takes action – the “fight or flight” response.

You snap at someone you care about (fight) – think about running away from all the stresses of daily life (flight) – or give up and hole yourself up in your room (freeze).

But YOU are NOT your anxiety.

And I can help the two of you become friends again.

Together, you and I will identify the triggers to your anxiety and explore their underlying causes.

Then, we’ll develop tools to minimize and alleviate your anxiety’s physical symptoms.

Through our work together, you’ll exchange these old patterns of behavior and the thought cycles that have been holding you prisoner for new, healthier ones that will serve you better!!

Take back your life!

Rediscover a positive perspective about your body’s natural defense systems and put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life.

Give me a call at (970) 331-0739 for your free 20-minute consultation.

Let’s tackle the source of that anxiety – once and for all!