The Voice You Cannot Silence
You try to drown it out, but you can’t. Day in – day out. All-day long.
“I have ZERO willpower. Why on earth did I eat that piece of cake?”
“Why can’t I stop binge-eating?”
“I HATE my body. I’m going to have to work out twice tomorrow to work off that dinner.”
It even poisons positive thoughts with insidious assumptions.
“This diet will work for me if I can just be stronger this time. My life will be so much better – when I lose the weight.”
And the Power It Holds on Your Life
Because of that voice, you find yourself constantly checking your look in the mirror and living in a preoccupied, obsessive state of food fear.
You compare yourself to your friends and even avoid connection because of anxiety over food and what they’ll think when they see you.
You engage in extreme behavior, engaging in impulsive, excessive, and even risky overexercising.
It makes sense that you feel like every meal is a battle, that looking in the mirror causes anxiety and ruins your day, that food – and even your own body – have created a mental and emotional prison.
But you don’t have to live that way.
I can help. Disordered eating stems from destructive thought patterns and deeply ingrained beliefs, and the world we live in creates perfect conditions to foster disordered eating and body image issues. It’s easy to understand how emotional eating has been a source of comfort and pain for you.
Together, we’ll overcome everything that’s been hindering you from the life you want to lead.
We’ll identify and challenge diet culture, stop imposing restrictions, come to regard food as nourishment, and end the cycle of binge eating.
You CAN regain control of your life!
You can learn to have an intuitive relationship with food and exercise.
You can stop obsessing over your food and body and practice self-care strategies unrelated to food.
Eating disorders have a voice that creates a story about our bodies and about food.
Together, we’ll challenge your inner critic and bring out your compassionate inner coach.
You don’t have to be at war with your body.
You are NOT defined by a number on the scale OR the size of the clothes you wear.
Together, we’ll nurture your sense of self-acceptance by separating your appearance from your self-worth.
Let’s talk! Call me at (970) 331-0739 for a free 20-minute consultation.
You can beat this and be at peace with food!