Silence your inner critic.
Turn up the volume on your inner coach.

Live Your Best Life!

Online Therapy for Individuals in Colorado

Judging yourself. And not being able to stop.

It’s the third glass of wine most weeknights.

It’s taking the next hit quickly after the first.

Or eating all the leftover birthday cake at 2 am and then counting calories like a religious exercise for the next three weeks.

These patterns keep you frustrated and defeated.

You promise yourself this is the last time…

… only to break that promise shortly thereafter.

You feel guilt and shame over your inability to take back control of your life.

Always looking for the next quick fix. Feeling unsatisfied and unworthy, yet again.

You come up with a new plan and tell yourself…

“This time is different. This time I am fully committed and will do everything right.”

Then the cycle repeats itself. So you question your motivation, your willpower. Feelings of shame and inferiority hang heavy on your heart.

You know your life would be better without the alcohol, or the drugs, or this messed-up relationship with food. You can imagine what it would look like to reach your goals, but you feel powerless to achieve them.

The end of the week rolls around…

Yet again, nothing has changed.

Guess you’ll give up, coast through another weekend, and try again on Monday.

Life does not have to be this way.

Let’s be honest. You are a capable, smart person! If it were easy to figure out how to change, you would change. It isn’t easy, but it is possible.

Many of my clients feel trapped in patterns of substance use, their relationship with food, unhealthy habits, low self-esteem, or overwhelming anxiety.

Together, we can find a way to stop the cycle of these destructive paradigms, to see yourself and your world from a new perspective, and learn how to change.

It’s time to change these patterns once and for all.

I can help you discover the confidence you need to break out of this painful cycle,
silence your inner critic, and hear your inner coach.

Give me a call now to schedule a free 20-minute consultation!

Hi, I’m Traci.

Change is hard!

You have to move out of your comfort zone, which can be quite scary.

That is where I come in. I will help you find your strengths and motivation to change and transform these habits. Together, we can uncover what your best life looks like, work toward making that your reality, and help you to lead a more fulfilling life every day.

I believe you are worthy of all you desire.

Reach out today. Let’s get started together.

What I Offer







You don’t have to do this alone!

Let me help you discover the confidence you need to reclaim your life.

Give me a call now. This is the start of a new beginning!